Social Media Marketing

Learn About How To Delete Old Story Highlights On Instagram

How To Delete Old Story Highlights On Instagram
Written by Elan

Instagram has been around for a few years, and it is rapidly becoming one of the most popular social networking sites on the web. The idea behind Instagram is simple, to allow people to show off their pictures from everyday life. It let classmates communicate online, but soon it became personal and allowed college students to share photos from their graduation, high school events, weddings, and more. Today, over 150 million people have joined, and over a billion photos have been sent. If you are looking to promote your business or product on Instagram, some simple tactics can help you get the most visibility for your page. One of them is Instagram highlights.

What Are Instagram Highlights

In an attempt to take advantage of the massive audience of users on Instagram, several companies have begun to offer Instagram Marketing Highlights. Essentially, they are short, exciting videos that provide a summary of a particular business or brand. For example, you may find several Instagram posts highlighting a company’s newest product or service. In 2021, Instagram finally released Story Highlights as a means for businesses, brands, Influencers, and personal accounts to compilation their Stories into a permanent collection on their page. As most avid Instagram users are aware, Highlights are only accessible to followers (and sometimes the public, if your account is public) for a short period.

For this reason, some marketers have found ways to make their Highlights more attractive to followers by repurposing the content, so it appears more enticing and less like a random promotional post. But, if needed, one can also delete the highlights on Instagram. So, if you want to know how to delete story highlights on Instagram, then read below.

 How To Delete Story Highlights On Instagram

It is common knowledge that Instagram allows users to save their recent posts or search for a specific user. However, what is lesser known is how to delete old story highlights in the app. You may have already deleted numerous posts by accident. Now think about how to restore your missing posts from an old account. While there is no tool to convert the old data quickly, it can still be easy to locate and return your posts.

Follow the simple steps below to know how to delete old story highlights on Instagram.

  • Go to your Instagram account. Tap the top navigation at the top left corner called “Settings.” You will then see three options: old, recent, and following. Click on the first button titled “older.”
  • Tap on the “manage” button on the top right of the page. This will open a new page. You will see a link with a number next to it. Click on it. It will open a sub-menu of pages. Look for the page containing the images or videos you want to remove.
  • Tap the + sign next to the post you are trying to delete. This will take you to a page where you can search for the post. If you typed in the post you wanted to search, it would return a list of matching images.
  • Tap the + sign again to continue searching. This will take you to another page where you will be able to view the images. Use the drop-down menu to select the image you want to be removed. You can choose from various options like changing the size of the image, adding a caption, or even applying a filter.
  • Tap the back button to return to the main page. A message should now appear stating that the post has been removed due to a violation of the terms of service. If you are not on the personal Instinct account and tap the back button, the message should disappear. If you are on this account, you will see the image on your news feed. Look at the picture and see if you agree with the removal.

If you do not want the Story highlights page appearing, you can always clear your search on Instagram. Tap the down arrow next to ” Story Highlights ” and then tap the edit icon. You can clear all of the search results or just the highlights. This will remove the Story highlights. Instinct is a free service that allows you to see what is posted on your account. If you have images or any other comments that are unclear, it could be a violation of the terms of service. Learn how to delete old story highlights on Instagram. If you still want to see the posts from when you first joined Instagram, clear your search. If you’re going to get rid of them completely, sign up for the paid version of Instagram and pay for the ability to clear all of your histories.

  • Use the search bar by clicking the square search icon in the top navigation bar. Type ” Instagram” into the field and hit enter. This will bring up a list of pages and displays the search results.
  • Click on each picture to see how it looks. There may be more than one photo on this page. Tap on the image to display the details. Look closely at the text in the upper right corner of the page. If you cannot read the post, move back to the search results and look again.
  • Tap on the drop-down menu next to ” Story Highlights ” to open the Story highlights screen. On the left side of the page, there is a large field. The top of the list contains the most recent posts. If you want to go straight to the latest story highlights, tap on the + sign above the posted article. If there is an old post appearing, the + sign will be greyed out.
  • Tap on the + sign to display the + section for the latest post. Click the + sign to show all the individual standings. Look carefully at the dates, times, and images for each. Delete any posts that are older than a week and less than 100 days old. Do the same for any photos or videos you want to be deleted.


While these tips may seem relatively straightforward, there are many more nuances to the use of Highlights. For instance, not all users have access to the “Cover Photo” option, which means if you want to put a graphic on your Highlights, you must either edit your original Story or upload your Cover Photo. In addition, not all people use the “Cover Photo” option, which means if you want to make a Highlights video, you will need to upload your actual Cover Photo. This can be a big hassle, but fortunately, Instagram has provided several different tutorials that walk users through the process step-by-step. If you want to know more about Instagram Stories and how to make your Stories stand out, visit the official Instagram site.

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