
Abbreviations Types and Its Uses

Written by Kumar Sachin

Abbreviations are of two types Acronyms and Initialisms. Thick soil, understand it in such a way that the word that was made about a long word, sentence, or the first letter of Phrase is Abbreviations.

The abbreviations that can be pronounced as a different word are Acronyms and the ones that cannot be pronouncing as a different word is Initialisms. Just like United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Abbreviations is ‘ UNESCO ‘ which we pronounce is ‘ UNESCO ‘ not ‘ UNESCO ‘ Acronyms second is the

Abbreviations of National Council of Educational Research and Training ‘ NCERT ‘ which we Pronounce We can’t pronounce it as a different word, we pronounce it ‘ NCERT ‘ so this happened Initialisms.

When I was in school, teachers made some abbreviations that I have not forgotten till today like PTO (Please Turn Over), AM (Ante Meridiem), PM (Post Meridiem). BC (Before Christ), AD (Anno Domini) Etc. (Et Cetera).I always wrote GK instead of the subject name in the notebook of General Knowledge.

One thing I did not understand in those days that why All Correct is called OK, should be called AC. Even the teacher did not calm down this curiosity at that time, just got the full form of OK. All Correct. Those days Google wasn’t even there.

Later when mobile came in hand and the internet in mobile then I went somewhere and learned from Google Guru that OK is full form Oll Correct (In American English All Correct is called Oll Correct)When I try to remember which Abbreviations

I used the most in my speech the word that comes to my mind is KG (Kilo Gram). Those childhood visuals come to my mind when Mummy asks us to buy sugar or salt from the nearby shop, I always tell the shopkeeper the quantity of these things is KG or KG, the whole ‘ kg ‘ is rarely said and even today ‘ KG ‘ I have been saying this. Today I would like to play a Memory Game with you.

Emphasize your memory and remember the abbreviations you use the most in your speech and write it in the comment section. (I’m curious to know)The only concern of my post on Abbreviations is ′′ Is it really necessary to use in the order of civilization development we have completed the journey from signals to word and sentence and today we are back to signals again. The use of abbreviations is necessary but not very important and not everywhere.

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