The coworking space’s lively atmosphere is one of its greatest attributes. At the same time, you can waste a lot of time at work networking and socialising, and completely blow off an entire afternoon in several conversations. The coworking space is that comfortable in that the space creates an atmosphere where professionals get caught up in the activity and hubbub of the day and produce very little.
With the fall a few weeks away from us, the temptation is to take this atmosphere out on one of Australia’s amazing beaches. However, before you grab your beach towel, take a minute to think of all the work that you need to get done and how little time you have to complete it. Finding and keeping your focus can actually be accomplished in the workspace style that combines dynamic social interaction with the building blocks of industry.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways to stay focused when working in a social environment.
Work During Off-Peak Times
Many coworking spaces not only have flexible working solutions, but they also are open 24/7, which for professionals they can go to the workspace at their convenience. Instead of trying to work during the peak times of the day, consider going to the coworking space either before or after the rush arrives at the office. Whether you go to the office earlier or later than everyone else, you will at least have the chance to have a few hours of work peace.
Keep A Daily Schedule
A good way to remain on task is to begin your workday by listing all of the tasks that need to be completed. By keeping a professional “to-do” list, you essentially direct the order of your day. Without a list, it is very easy to get off task and to not have a general sense of the work that needs completing. The daily schedule can be revised or edited throughout the day, but it is one way to track your progress throughout the day.
Alternate Your Schedule
Another way to break up the monotony that causes people to be distracted is to alternate your schedule so that every day at the space is not dull. For example, consider making two days of the week half days where you spend most of your time networking or involved in “soft tasks”, whether these events take place in the workspace or not is your choice. The other days can be your “hard task” days devoted to nothing but professional work. The schedule does not have to be rigid, but it should include a few days that can give you rest from work.
Move Around
As people get comfortable working in the space, it is only natural for cliques to form. The only problem is the space can become very animated when too many group members sit at the same table. For this reason, consider moving to a new place in the coworking space to avoid being pulled into conversations or being distracted by them.
Consider A Dedicated Desk
If all else fails, consider trading up into a dedicated desk. A dedicated, while more expensive, can give you a little more privacy. In some spaces, these desks are very far away from the commotion of the hot desk, making it more conducive to focused work.
Remaining On-Task In The Coworking Space
There are a million things that can take a person off-task in the coworking space simply because at every moment there is something going on in the office. However, this fun, dynamic atmosphere does not have to be the end of work nor does it have to be the end of the social interaction. However, maximise social opportunities when possible but always keep focus in mind.